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Many say exploration is part of our destiny, but it’s actually our duty to future generations and their quest to ensure the survival of the human species.
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It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn”t feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
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The Earth was small, light blue, and so touchingly alone, our home that must be defended like a holy relic. The Earth was absolutely round. I believe I never knew what the word round meant until I saw Earth from space.
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To be the first to enter the cosmos, to engage, single-handed, in an unprecedented duel with nature—could one dream of anything more?
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What was most significant about the lunar voyage was not that man set foot on the Moon but that they set eye on the earth.
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Many say exploration is part of our destiny, but it’s actually our duty to future generations and their quest to ensure the survival of the human species.